BREAKING NEWS! If JB wins the Presidency in 2028 you will receive $5M 4 #Reparations
BREAKING NEWS! If JB wins the Presidency in 2028 you will receive $5M 4 #Reparations
Help us campaign today for a better tomorrow!
Help us campaign today for a better tomorrow!
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
On May 30, 2024, (DJT) was found guilty on 34 felony charges. The Judge in (DJT's) case had over 6 months to sentence (DJT) to allow the voters to vote for (DJT) was simply invented/fraud to avoid any serious time to be imposed by the Judge (not the voters or SCOTUS.) This type of "garbage juice" is not offered in any other sentencing ["i.e."] for Ray Ray, JuJu or Boo Boo, (etc...) As a matter of fact, I, "JB BUFORD," followed all the rules set forth in order to be listed as an Independent Candidate for the Presidency in 2024. The State of Louisiana registered me as a "Presidential Elector," & the Federal Election Commission (FEC) listed me as an "Independent Treasurer," opposed to an Independent Candidate! It was predestined for (DJT) to win. Therefore, (DJT) would avoid the penitentiary. Kamala Harris was a [ploy...] If the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was serious about a Democrat to run & win in 2024, Gavin Newsom (D) or JB Pritzker (D) would have been in the race... I believe it got serious on January 6, 2021, when they did not arrest & charge (DJT) with the Insurrection Case (crime/cause). The U.S. Government believed/feared (DJT) when he said if he got elected the first time, he would tell the truth about 911, & they fear him now/then! The only reason they did not charge him in the Insurrection is he knows what really happened on 911. (Google "Larry Silverstein") Therefore, (DJT) is able to bribe them & do whatever (DJT) wants! The (DJT) group is working on a 3rd term for (DJT), regardless of what the Constitution says. The Constitution did not matter on the 14th Amendment (Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office) about the Insurrection! "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President & Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislator, or an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Shahid Bolsen Gives a SCATHING Commentary On TRUMP'S AMERICA Warning of Inevitable Collapse Of USA
Please send donations to:
P. O. BOX 5934
$5 Million Per Black Person For Reparations In The USA.
Diplomatic Immunity For Descendants Of Slaves In The USA.
Eliminate Credit Score For All.
Abolish Slavery In Prison.
Prison Reform.
Dear Fellow Americans,
I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the office of President of the United States in the upcoming 2028 election. My name is JB Buford & I am running as an Independent Candidate who has a strong vision for a united, prosperous & inclusive America.
Please read & share my website... 2028JB.COM. We believe in putting the interest of the American People first. Our campaign is built on the values of integrity, transparency & accountability. We are committed to bridging the divides that have plagued our nation & to working tirelessly to create a brighter future for all Americans.
With a background in complex business, personal negotiations & innovative solutions, I bring a fresh perspective to the political arena. I am dedicated to listening to the voices of the people, understanding their concerns & crafting solutions that will benefit every American regardless of party affiliation, race, religion or sexual orientation. "Let Freedom Ring," Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank God Almighty, We are Free at Last.
Together we can build a better tomorrow. Join me on this journey towards achieving a more united & prosperous America. Let's make history together in 2028! Did you know you are allowed to write in my name JB Buford, on the ballet; it shall/will be counted in forty-three of the fifty states. "I have the best answer; just write in JB Buford in all fifty states." Have you ever considered how much money is spent every four years on the Presidential Election when all you need to do is (do a write in JB Buford) "The candidate for everyone." Just think of the millions-billions saved every four years...
In closing, there is no way U.S. taxpayers should be responsible for covering the rebuilding costs of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, MD, that was destroyed on March 26, 2024, when a massive cargo ship lost power & struck the bridge. Repair costs are estimated to be between $2,000,000.000-$5,000,000.000. (BILLION DOLLARS) No American president should be allowed to perpetrate a fraud, "in my opinion" by making the citizens of the U.S. become the insurance carrier for a foreign barge transportation industry. The insurance company for the cargo ship that caused the damage should be fully responsible for paying for the repair costs, loss of life not the taxpayers.
"When They Tell A Lie On Me, I Tell The Truth On Them!"
Respectfully Submitted,
JB Buford
Independent Candidate for President of the United States 2028JB.COM
• Independent Party 4 POTUS
• Opposition Leader Needed Now, Vote 4 JBZ 2 Make Your Life Easy
• A Crusader For Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Dementia, Drug Mules/Users/Mentally Challenged, Civil Rights For Women & Personal Rights, Social Security, Disability, PTSD Treatment and Nursing Home Abuse For All Citizens Seeking Help
• Segregation By Day, Integration By Night (You Figure)
• Slavery Matters (True Builders Of The USA)
• Prison Reform (High Tech Slavery)
• Taxpayers Fund $39.4M Per Day To House Slave Factories Across The USA 🇺🇸
• Veterans Matter
(Homelessness, Suicide Prevention etc.)
• We Need To Come To Terms, With The Nation's Oldest Sin (Chattel Slavery)
• Fight To Have The January 6, 2021 (J6) Ringleader Arrested & Adequately Charged To Stand Trial (The German Oligarchs)
• There's No Floor For The Black Or The Poor, There's No Ceiling For The Sleazy & The Greasy (DJT)
• The Quadruple Indicted 91 Charges Proves The Orange Fellow Is Above The Law Thus Far
• Reparations Are Overdue
• Wages Are Too Low
• Inflation Is Too High
• Renegotiate NAFTA & CAFTA
• $20.00 Per Hr Minimum Wages
• Immigration, Economy, Border Security (Must Fix)
• Many Believe If The Current President Has A Second Term It Will Lead To WWIII
• Others Believe If The Former President Wins It Will Lead To Civil War II, He Has Been Compromised (Russia)
• The USA, No Dictator Needed On Day One
• No Quid Pro Quo (CHUBB)
• Are You Tired Of Being Played Like A Spade, By These Two Jokers
• Free The J6'ers They Were Ordered By 45...
• I Will Free The J6'ers By Executive Order On Day One Under My Watch
• Change Versus The Same (AI) Is The Future, You Are Not Included Better Oversight & Control Is Needed
• I Know This Country Needs To Elect An Independent Candidate By The Name Of #Buford4USA Reciprocity For Marijuana & LTC'ers
• Mandate Gig Drivers To Form A Union, "TEAMSTERS" (i.e.) Uber & Lyft etc. "As Employees," ["With Commercial Insurance On A Approved Accord Insurance Form"]
• Yes We Can (Defeat That Demonic Spirit)
• Please Review The 13th, 14th & 15th Amendment
• Honorable Citizens Please Remember The 3/5 Human Law For The Blacks & 1% Blood Drop Law Of The Land
• (DJT) Claimed If He Was Elected In 2016 He Would Tell The Truth As To What Really Happened & Why It Happened On September 11, 2001(911) Well He Won (DJT) Told Us A Lot, But Nothing About (911) "That Was The Over Play, For The Under Pay!" I Wonder If Larry Silverstein Would Agree With (DJT)... Double Indemnity Insurance Payout On One Of The Buildings, Silverstein Claimed Two Airplanes Hit One Of My Buildings, I Need Two Checks For The One Building, Not So For The Families
• Heavy On The "J" Light On The "B" Your Hands Can't Hit What Your Eyes Can't See... Mohammad Ali
• I'm Not Fearing Any Man My Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of The Lord... Dr Martin Luther King Jr
• The Same Boiling Water That Makes A Potato Soft, Makes A Egg Hard
• Figuratively Speaking, I'm Tired Of 8 Feet Tall Black People, Drowning In
4 Feet Of Water, When All They Need To Do Is Stand Up
• My Father Sgt. J. Buford Succeeded In WWII (Germany, Trump Is Half German Stay Sleep)
• Three Of My Brothers Fought In Vietnam, Two As USMC One In The US ARMY, Same As Many Of My Uncles, Nephews, Nieces, 1st & 2nd Cousins Served During (War Time) None Of Them Chickened Out With "Bone Spurs"(DJT)
• Since 1776 The USA Has Less Than 20 Years Of Being War Free
• Penitentiaries & War Are Huge Businesses, Do You Really Think The Mass Cash Pimps Are Willing To Cut-Off Billions-Trillions Of Cash
• Anyone That Votes For (DJT) Or (JRB) In My Opinion... Shows They Are Nothing But A Reflection Of Them/You... #Vote 2028JB.COM
• Attack From Within... (DJT) Order/Command/Incitement Of... January 6,
2021(J6'ers) No Arrest Of The Perp, Blue Lives Matter, Except On (J6)
• How Can You Tell Somebody Not To Think About Something When They're Looking Right At It! INNOCENTBORNGUILTY.COM "Dr Claude Anderson (Black Labor, White Wealth...)" YouTube Defiant Lawyers... A Must Watch, Atty Augustus Corbett
• #1619Project (Jim Crow) ["etc."]
• Educate Or Terminate
"When They Tell A Lie On Me, I Tell The Truth On Them"
Thx, 4 Your Support. I Approve Of This Message!
For any Anglo-Saxon, European, Caucasian, Russian, German, Yugoslavian, Irish, Czechoslovakian, ["etc."] American person to give birth to a Native Black American in the United States of America; your newly elected "President JB BUFORD 2028" will grant $1 million to every baby's Mother & Father as a whole, under the "Rebirth of a Nation Operation." This will help replenish the 12.5 million Blacks that were lost in the (Transatlantic Slave Trade,) in the (Jim Crow South Segregation etc.) & in the continuation of Black Slaughter throughout these United States of America not limited to the unjust lengthy incarceration since... #1619PROJECT... Not #2025PROJECT
You need a representative that will support your ideas, fight for the needs of your community and earn your respect. For someone who truly cares for your community, look no further.
If we join together and make our voices heard, we can fight for the change we want to see!
Voting serves all of us. Thank you for your commitment.
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Your candidate knows the value of being connected. That's why they're running for this position. Help them help you.
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